Hey Jon, I know I haven't written a post in a while. I just want to let you know that you're in my thoughts. Everytime I pass your house, I remember playing wiffle ball in your front yard, epic basketball games on your driveway, and baseball in your backyard...I remember coming to your house, seeing all the great memorabilia that you have...playing ping pong games in ur basement, or listening to you rock out on your drumset...I remember you inviting me to dinner all the time, and enjoying having a nice meal with you and your family from time to time.. I remember picking you up from school everyday and occasionally walking home together...I remember having you over for dinner and you enjoying trying indian food...I remember you checking the contents of everything you ate to make sure you could eat it... I remebmer jsut staying up all night talking, watching movies, or just playing loads of video games.. I remember just having great times with you...There are so many memories that i have of you and even after all this time, these memories are still very clear in my head, and I will make sure they will be always....I really miss you Din, and I'll always keep you in my thoughts..Thanks for being you